Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 2 - The Road to Hana

Ever wonder why locals everywhere get so friggin annoyed with the tourists,,, its because they DRIVE SO FREAKIN SLOW!!! Today we decided to be those tourists (sorry locals. although, in our defense we at least pulled off the road to let them pass) and drive the famous "Road to Hana". Its about a 60 mile strip of beautiful, ridiculously curvy one/two lane, mostly paved road that goes out to the little city of Hana. A good portion of this road is cut into the sides of the radically vertical cliffs along the ocean only moving inland to drive through some amazing rain forest. It was very "country", which was a nice change from the over-developed areas we have been in. A lot of the places reminded me of a more tropical version of the Smokey's back home. It took us most of the day to make it all the way out because we stopped at a bunch of hikes, waterfalls, and beaches. On our first hike we ended up getting pretty lost in a bamboo forest trying to find a waterfall. The hike really wouldn't have been that bad if we had stayed on the main trail, but what fun would be??? We ended up in some farmers pastures with his cows and had to turn around and tramp back through the insane bamboo to the main trail and then we found the waterfalls. I think our extra little trek probably better than the waterfalls actually. Our next few stops were a few (no hiking required) waterfalls and overlooksand then we stopped for lunch at a sweet little area right on the ocean. The rock wall in front of us was the first and only thing to take the brunt of the wicked wind and waves that have traveled thousands of miles of open ocean to get here. After lunch we headed to a black volcanic sand beach which was quite cool. It had (obviously) black sand :) and a sweet volcanic rock archway. Our last major stop of the day was a red volcanic sand beach. The red sand beach was SO RAD. We hiked down to the shoreline and headed around to the next cove. Of course, there were some more nudies there, three guys to be exact ;( (thats my crying frown). The cove they were in was amazing though, so we just headed down anyway. The ocean was really REALLY rough, but there was this line of rocks that stopped most of the swells and left a calm little pool to swim around in, which was perfect since we were all nasty from a day of hiking. After a quick swim, we packed up, took a group pic and headed back. On the way back, Georgia was in control of the music in our car on the way back since I had already had my song pics for the day(we have a little radio transmitter that plays your Ipod on the radio in your car). She was hoping back and forth between songs before they would ever finish, and finally settled on the Mary Poppins sound track... :( We stopped to take some pics and i went up to the other guys in the next car and said "you guys are never going to believe what we have to listen to in our car!!!", and they said "really, it can't be any worse than what we are listening to cause we only get one radio station out here and the freakin DJ won't let the songs finish and now they are playin MARY POPPINS!!!!". There weren't any other radio waves out where we were so they were picking up our transmission! Funny poop that was,,, we laughed for like, ten minuets before we got back on the road. We ended up at a pizza place for dinner, it was good, we ate till we were stuffed, we went home, and we slept... No sleeping pills needed tonight.

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